Tuesday 9 July 2013

Ramadhan/Eid Offer

Assalamualaikum, hope every aspect of your life is in the best of state. Alhamdulillah, we have been blessed because Ramadhan is just a few hours away. With the permission of our Creator, we might reach the blessed month of Ramadhan.

Straight to the point here, I have two offers for this month of Ramadhan. Actually, one offer is from Allah, and one is from me. As a muslim, I feel obliged to remind myself and then you about the objective of Ramadhan.


Fasting is a way for us to cleanse ourselves from sins, bad words and actions. Ramadhan is a month of training. Training to abstain from food and drinks from dawn till dusk. Staying away from saying bad words, away from fights, away from petty quarrels, away from doing harm to people. But why do we do that? Why do we need to go through the training for an entire month? To achieve what?

There will be many talks on what nullifies our fast, what we can and can not do during the month of fasting. But rarely do people talk on what is the objective of fasting itself? People might say to feel what the poor feels, but that is one of the wisdoms of fasting. Allah (swt) said in the Quran:

"O you who believe! Observing fasting is prescribed for you as it was 
prescribed for those before you, that you may become/attain taqwa"(2:183)

Our body feels the hunger and thirst. Nobody is around, and there is a glass of cold water on the table. Your body says go ahead, take a sip, but your heart says Allah is watching, I shall not. That is taqwa. Taqwa is a state of being aware that God is always watching your every move. It is a protection for ourselves. It saves us from doing bad deeds. It encourages us to do good.

Just a few nights ago, my dad advised us. He said, "To check whether your ramadhan was accepted or not, check your ibadah." So its true, even when there is no one around, you'd still do it, because the Only Worthy of our attention, is watching us. Hence, that is the offer that Allah is providing for us. Allah knows best. 

Offer 2

Offer 2 is for the quiche. (Hihi). For Ramadhan/Eid, I will also be taking orders for quiche. Not only that, I will also have offers. 

Buy 2 big ones at only RM120

Buy 1 free 1. Buy one big quiche at RM80 and get a small one for free. 

Since it is Ramadhan, inshAllah some of the money given will be donated to charity. 

*Prices might be slightly up for Ramadhan due to increase in the price of the ingredients itself. Will update later inshAllah if there is a need to. 

You can place your order via:
1) Email - Yazidifran@gmail.com
2) Facebook - Ifran Yazid
3) Just leave a comment here. =)

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